Friday, February 11, 2011

Starting Anew

I like order. I like making things perfect.

While this trait has been very good for my career at times, it gets in the way. It becomes a little voice in my head telling me that I'm doing things wrong, that I'm off on the wrong track and I'm wasting my time. It tells me it's not worth learning to do anything unless I can learn to do it perfectly.

I'm getting tired of that voice. To give you an example, it poked at me until I wrote four different intro posts for this blog, all of which were way too overwrought and pretentious.

It's getting in my way and keeping me from my writing, from my art, from my sewing and just about every other creative thing I want to do.

So you know what? Fuck it. Let's see if I can do this without constantly self-editing and second-guessing myself.

Here's this blog's theme: things I find beautiful.

It'll include, among other things and in no particular order, my various and random creative projects, Japanese street fashions, clothing coordinates, traditional Japanese kimono, ancient history, the French court, flowers, Victoriana, medieval and Renaissance themes, fantasy, fairytales, poetry, calligraphy, recipes, movie and book reviews, ramblings about language (Japanese, German, Spanish, Korean), geisha, chivalry, stained glass windows, corsets, science fiction, my writing, art, costumes and sewing projects, ukiyo-e prints, hot men in suits, the art of Alphonse Mucha, Aristocrat and Dandy fashion, and so on.

Wish me luck!


  1. Congratulations on your new blog!! I also have the problem of perfectionism and it really is creatively stifling. I also know that saying "fuck it" requires a huge amount of courage... so congrats on having a lot of that. :)

    I look forward to reading your musings!

  2. Thank you! :) I hope to make it a positive and interesting one.

    That's the irony, isn't it? That you can be a creative person and yet be your own worst enemy in expressing that creativity.

    And thank you again! I think it's more frustration than courage. After enough of it, you just get tired of it and are ready for a change. Here's to hoping!
